Dr Shashikanth’s Practice is committed to providing the highest standards of medical care. We believe the best way to achieve this is by working together. To this end:
We will…
- Treat you as an individual and give you courtesy, respect and attention at all times.
- Treat you as a partner in the care and treatment you receive.
- Following discussion, provide you with the most appropriate care and treatment given by our suitably qualified team.
- Refer you, where appropriate, to a consultant suitable to you for hospital treatment or for a second opinion.
- Give you full information about the services we offer, in particular anything which affects your health and care.
- Give you access to your health records, subject to any limitation in law, regarding them as strictly confidential.
- Respect cultural differences
To help us to help you we request you to…
- Be polite and courteous to healthcare professionals staff and other patients
- Give as much information as you can about your past illnesses, medication, hospital attendances and admissions, and anything else which is relevant.
- Keep your appointments , arrive on time and tell us as soon as possible if you cannot keep them.
- Only request a home visit if you or the patient is too ill to come to the surgery and make requests for home visits before 10.00am.
- Only ask for a night visit or contact out of hours duty GP when it is truly necessary.
- Let us know if our standards fall so that we can put things right.
- Always ask if you do not understand or are unsure about anything to do with your treatment.
We always try to provide the best possible service but there may be times when you feel that this has not happened. The following information explains our in-house complaints procedure.
Our procedure is not able to deal with questions of legal liability or compensation. We hope you would use it to allow us to look into and, if necessary, correct any problems that you have identified, or mistakes that have been made. If you use this procedure it will not affect your right to complain toHealth Care Commission.
Please note that we have to respect our duty of confidentiality to patients and a patient’s consent will be necessary if a complaint is not made by the patient in person. If you wish to make a complaint, please telephone or write to Mrs Yvonne Blowfield who is the complaints manager. Full details will be taken and a decision made on how best to undertake the investigation. We believe it is important to deal with complaints swiftly. We will acknowledge your complaint within3 working days. We will try to address your concerns, provide you with an explanation and discuss any actions that may be necessary.
We hope you will use our practice complaints procedure in the first instance. We believe this gives the best chance of putting right whatever has gone wrong, and gives us the best opportunity of improving the practice. If you feel you cannot raise your complaint with us, or you are dissatisfied with the result of our investigation, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to review your case. Visit http://www.ombudsman.org.uk/make-a-complaint/contact-us