Reception opening Hours
Mon, Tue ,Thu, Fri – 8am-12.30pm /2.00pm-600pm (closed between 12.30-2.00pm )
Wed – 8- 1pm
Wednesday pm- Surgery is closed-ring 0300 130 3018 (Surgery answering service)
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
6-630pm and 1230pm to 2pm- surgery answering service
Weekdays from 630pm – 8am /weekends and bank holidays – please ring 111 for advice
Monday am/pm
Tuesday am/pm
Wednesday am
Thursday am/pm
Friday am/pm
Mon, Tue ,Thu, Fri – 8am-12.30pm /2.00pm-600pm (closed between 12.30-2.00pm )
Wednesday (Half day) – 8am-1pm , Surgery is closed after 1pm
GPs see patients with urgent medical needs at the end of above routine surgery hours.
Outside these hours your doctors deal with administrative work, medical emergencies, home visits and attend educational and other work related meetings.
Our Antenatal clinic takes place at Colham Manor Children’s Centre
IN A DIRE LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY DIAL 999 FOR AN AMBULANCE. In the case of non-life threatening emergencies, attend Accident &Emergency department or call 01895 233881 for advice. Outside reception opening hours ring 0300 130 3018.
Appropriate use of Hospital A&E department
We request our patients to use the Accident and Emergency department for genuine emergencies and trauma only. We actively discourage our patients from attending A&E department with primary care problems( the conditions that could have been dealt by GP). This helps the hospital A&E department to offer effective care for genuine emergencies.
Note: Please remember to call and cancel your appointment if you no longer need it so that we can offer the appointment to someone else who is sick.
Always make an appointment to see the doctor . Due to workload issues, We actively discourage our patients ‘walking in’ with a request to see the doctor.
MAKE AN APPOINTMENT to see doctor by telephoning, sending an email or calling in at the surgery during reception opening hours.
1.Ask for a routine appointment . You will normally have one within 48 hours.
2.Same day appointments are available for emergencies. Please use this facility responsibly.
For all routine purposes, please email the administrator- . Emails are checked during office hours only
Wednesdays are your doctor’s half day. Half days are used mostly for educational/training activities. Please call 0300 130 3018 , only if there is a medical emergency during Wednesday afternoons.
Please telephone before 10am if possible. A home visit should only be requested if absolutely necessary – for example, if you are extremely ill, disabled or frail. The surgery has much better facilities and a doctor can see many more patients at the surgery in the time it takes for one visit. All visit requests are triaged by clinicians
Do I Need To See The Doctor?
Please visit
Local Hospital